Student-Athlete Evaluation of Coach

Note: Following are excerpts from the prepublication manuscript. Do not distribute without citation.
Lopiano, D.A. and Zotos, C. (Publication 2013) The Athletics Director’s Handbook: A Comprehensive Practical Guide to the Management of Scholastic and Intercollegiate Athletics Programs. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

The following instrument should be used to obtain a student-athlete evaluation of each head coach and each assistant coach with whom the student-athlete has worked.


NAME OF COACH__________________________SPORT_______________DATE_______________

1. The atmosphere of the practice sessions enhance player and team morale.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

2. There is mutual respect between coach and player.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

3. The coach demonstrates a sound knowledge of his or her sport.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

4. All material is presented in a clear and precise manner.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

5. Before or after practice, there is ample opportunity for exchange of ideas between player and coach.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

6. The coach attends every practice.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

7. The coach is on-time for practice.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

8. Practice sessions are well organized and demanding--both physically and mentally.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

9. The coach provides adequate explanation of new material.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

10. The coach treats each athlete as an individual.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

11. The coach sets clear rules and conduct expectations and is consistent in enforcing them.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

12. The team is well prepared for each contest.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

13. The coach demonstrates concern for my academic success.
____Always ____Almost always ____Sometimes ____Seldom

Suggestions for improvement:

14. 1 would say that my overall experience with this team has been:
____ Excellent ____Very Good ____Satisfactory ____Unsatisfactory

Additional suggestions for improvement: