Epd cnp application fee

The Electronic Forms Submission service in the Environmental Protection Interactive Center (EPIC) is provided under the provision of the Electronic Transaction Ordinance (ETO) . Under this service, you may submit information/application to Environmental Protection Department (EPD) by filling the appropriate forms, attach relevant information through electronic files, and sign the forms for submission through the system. Starting from January 2017, EPD introduces an additional easy and convenient way for you to submit application for Construction Noise Permit (EPD74 & EPD75) and Noise Emission Label (EPD201 & EPD202) online by providing an image of signature. When downloading the forms, you may choose an electronic form which requires either digital signing or without digital signing. With the version of without digital signing, you are able to choose settling application fee via e-payment options, or at Customer Service Counters. Application for licence of Water Pollution Control Ordinance (EPD117) also supports image of signature feature starting from 20th December 2018.

Prerequisite For Using This Service

You must be registered in the Environmental Protection Interactive Center (EPIC) as an applicant before being able to submit electronic forms.

To ensure successful submission of electronic application, please note the following prerequisite:

1. This service is designed to be used by Adobe Reader 9.2 or above for opening electronic form, and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 on Windows platform (Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10) or Microsoft Edge on Microsoft Windows 10 or Mozilla Firefox version 38 (or above) on Linux platform, Mac OS X platform, and Windows platform, or Google Chrome 30 (or above) on Linux platform, Mac OS X platform, and Windows platform, or Safari version 8 (or above) on Mac OS X platform for application form download / new user registration / application status enquiry.

2. Browser configurations incuding Javascript, Cookies, TLS 1.2 and 128-bit SSL must be enabled.

3. If you are going to settle payment by a Visa credit card, you must register the "Verified by Visa" service with your card issuing bank. Otherwise you may not be able to complete the transaction. Some Visa card and MasterCard issuers do not support online payment, please check with your credit card issuers to ascertain if they support online payment.

4. For correct display and input of Chinese Characters in Adobe Reader, Traditional Chinese version is recommended. Chinese Traditional Font Packs should be installed for non-Chinese version -> http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html .

5. For correct display of Chinese Characters in browsers, the computer must be able to display the Big-5 or ISO10646 character set with "the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS)" published by the HKSAR Government. The character set can be downloaded at -> http://www.digital21.gov.hk/eform/english/download.html .

6. You must have a valid digital certificate issued by the Hong Kong Post Office or any Certificate Authority recognized by the HKSAR Government.

Acceptable File Formats

Steps to Submit Licence Application

The following are the steps to submit licence application through Environment Protection Interactive Center (EPIC):

Step 1: Register As Applicant

If you have not registered as an applicant in EPIC, please do so by clicking the link 'New User Registration' and filling the required information and then submit. The particular will be used as default values when filling a new electronic form. (The account will be purged if you have registered but not submitted for any application for a year. In such case, you may need to register again.)

Step 2: Select and Download Electronic Form

A list of available electronic forms in both English and Traditional Chinese is provided. Select the appropriate form and download to the computer.

Step 3: Fill Form

Open the electronic form by Adobe Reader. Fill the values in the application form. Press 'Pre-fill' button will require a Sign-On action and default values will be pre-filled.

Step 4: Sign-On in Adobe Reader

Sign-on as an applicant by filling the user name and password. The user name is the email address using for registration and the password is an 8-bytes alphanumeric, which is defined during applicant registration.

Step 5: Add Attachments

Attach the electronic file(s) to the application form and type in the corresponding description of the attached file(s) using the Acrobat Reader's attachment feature. The electronic file should comply with the Acceptable File Formats.

Step 6: Form Validation

The form data will be validated, by verifying that the mandatory fields are filled and meet the rules.

Step 7: Digital Sign / Attach Image of Signature in Adobe Reader

For application form which requires digital signature, click on the signature field, and then use your digital certificate to sign the application form electronically with Adobe Reader's signing feature. For application form which requires image of signature, click on the signature field, and then attach your image of signature.

Step 8: Form Submission

Press the 'Submit Application' button to submit the application form to EPD, you will be notified with a reference number. You may quote this reference at any future correspondence with EPD.

The submission will require a Sign-On action if Sign-On is not performed before. The digital signature will be verified to confirm the validity before accepting the application by EPD if the application form is digitally signed. If the application requires payment, please continue Step 9, otherwise Step 10.

Step 9: Pay Application Fee (if required)

If fixed-amount application fee is to be paid, you will be redirect to the ePayment options for paying the application fee through the available ePayment options. For some applications, you may choose to settle payment later with ePayment options, or to settle at Customer Service Counters. Also the application fee of some applications must be settled before accepting the application by EPD.

Step 10: Notification of Form Submission

You will receive an acknowledge email showing the application details including the application received date, the EPIC Reference No., and the site/premise address. If you proceed the online payment process but cannot complete successfully due to session timeout, cancellation, or rejection, you will receive a payment reminder email for your reference.

Step 11: Other Accessory Functions

Click the link 'Application Status Inquiry'. You can update you account details, inquire application status, download the submitted e-Forms, continue / retry payment processes or withdraw a request here when necessary.